No matter what the season is, Hot Water Beach in the Coromandel can’t be missed. No experience is quite as unique as digging your personal hot tub hole.
Hot Water Beach in Winter – The Bikinis & Beanies Experience
My memories of Hot Water Beach go way back to when I was a child. The memory of digging your own hole of hot water on a beach really stuck, and I was so excited to go back as an adult and do this again. I promise Hot Water Beach will be a memory that you won’t forget in a hurry.
How does it work?
The water comes from underground hot springs and the water filters through the sand to the surface. The springs are located between the high and low tide lines, so if you visit at high tide, the springs will be underwater. This makes it very important to visit two hours either side of low tide. You can find tide charts for the beach here.
8 reasons why you’ll love Hot Water Beach
This is why you can’t give Hot Water Beach a miss when you’re in the Coromandel region.
It costs $0.00
It’s 100% natural
You get a mini workout digging the hole
And your instant reward is your own personal hot tub
It’s almost like a tropical beach experience, right here in Aotearoa
If you get too hot, there is a natural plunge pool too – the ocean
The natural water has multiple health benefits, including reducing stress
If you don’t want to dig your own, wait for someone to leave and claim their hot pool
So there you have it – what can beat a free, natural hot tub experience, with a mini workout to start & multiple health benefits while you soak? It is one of my favourite Coromandel experiences.
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My most recent visit to Hot Water Beach was in winter, and it was the nicest, most relaxing experience I’ve had in a while. It was so pleasant to lay in the hot water, with a cool winter breeze blowing over you. I wasn’t brave enough to take a dip in the ocean, but Isaac did a few times, before hopping back into our private hole.
Also, I am not a fan of digging my own hole. While you must definitely do this on your first visit for the experience, I have now started to claim other people’s holes as they leave. This works great for me, as we almost always forget a spade/digging tool. We even “upgraded” to warmer pools as people left. Just be sure to keep your eyes open as pools can be claimed pretty fast!
My Top Tips for visiting Hot Water Beach
Get the most out of your experience.
Visit two hours either side of low tide
It’s still a beach, so don’t forget to slip, slap, slop to stay protected from the sun, even in winter, sunscreen is a must
The water is hottest near the off-shore rock, so dig as close to that as you can (but not too close, as temperatures can get as hot as 62°C, which will burn you!
You have to make a (cold) river crossing to access the beach, I always leave my shoes in the car to avoid them getting wet
It can get very busy, especially in summer, so be prepared to park further away and walk for 5-10 minutes to the beach
Let me know in the comments below if you have ever visited Hot Water Beach, I would love to hear about your experience, especially if you loved it as much as I do.

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